Are You Getting Enough B12? Boost Your Brain Power
Are you feeling more sluggish than usual? Lacking energy and motivation, but nothing specific you’ve been able to attribute it to? Vitamin B12 deficiency could be the culprit. This not only affects your current health and brain function, but may pose a risk to your future health and brain function.
Women’s Health covered a study published in Annals of Neurology. Miller emphasizes: “....participants with lower active levels of B12 experienced slower processing speed and responded slower to visual stimuli, which suggests that they had slower visual processing speed and slower electrical impulses in the brain. These impacts became even more apparent in older participants.”
In this study, lower active levels of B12 did not only impact processing speed and neural communication—These participants also had more lesions on their brain’s white matter. This can be linked to dementia and cognitive decline. Learn more about recommended B12 levels and the study here:
Not getting enough B12? We’ve got you covered! Schedule your first injection today: